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Ireland Needs Fatima

Some of the signal graces 

obtained through the 

intercession of St. Joseph 

according to Mary of Agreda

“Those who invoke him shall obtain from God, by his intercession, the gift of chastity, and shall not be conquered by temptations of the senses;

They shall receive particular graces to deliver them from sin;

They shall obtain a true devotion to the Blessed Virgin;

They shall have a good and happy death, and in that all-decisive moment be defended against the assaults of Satan;

They shall be delivered when expedient for them, from bodily sufferings, and shall find help in their afflictions;

If married, they shall be blessed with offspring;

The demons shall have extreme dread of the glorious name of St. Joseph.”

With so many graces to be obtained through his powerful intercession, let us not tarry nor hesitate in asking humbly for the protection and aid of dear St. Joseph, Terror of demons!”

Click on the link below to download your PDF novena to St. Joseph.